Thursday 21 June 2012

Conflict Theory. What are your thoughts?


  1. Conflict Theory
    Every individual is uniquely made by God thus; no two individuals are exactly the same. There are limited resources available to human to satisfy their unlimited needs therefore I believe that conflicts are inevitable among the human race.
    According to the theory individuals are self oriented. Each person is concern about satisfying their desires. For example in a work organization an employee may be suffering from a migraine headache and the employer gives that person the ok to go to the sick bay. One may look at this and say that’s a concern and caring employer, when it may not necessarily be so. He may be looking out for the interest of his business and thus if the employee is not well then production may be lost so instead of having you under performing he will give you the permission to stay off the job until you gets better. On the other hand, even though persons are entitled to sick days some employers prefer the ill employee to attend work and stress over the job instead of having someone else to substitute because this may be added cost to the business.
    In the family there are many conflicts from time to time as individuals struggle to get the limited resources that are available. For example some siblings maybe at war with each other over lands left behind by their parents. Although those individuals are from one family sometimes the situation escalated into a fatality. Instead of the siblings living together in harmony, or those who are more fortunate allow those who are less fortunate to inherit the land; they all want to become the owner. The conflict perspective view society less as a cohesive system and more an arena of conflict and power struggles. Instead of people working together to further the goal of social system, people are seen as achieving their goals at the expense of other.
    There will always be conflicts among humans so what the conflict theorist does is help people to understand and manage them as they arises. Thus, I am in total disagreement with the critics of the conflict theory with their thought that the conflict theory analyses families in destructive and negative term. The conflict theory is true to life and does not give you an illusion of what life is as some other theory.

  2. conflict Theory

    The conflict theory seems to be the opposite of structural functionalism theory. The conflict theory speaks about inequality and power struggle.Families have disagreements , not all families are equal. Conflicts may arise in families for many dfferent reasons, as what is good for one family member may not be good for another family memeber. All family memebers are special in their own way. In society today families are made up both the haves and the havenots who are involved in conflicts for resources that are scarce. In every family there are disagreements as family members compete for the scarce resources available. These resources may include family inheretance (land ,house), doing chores,assuming roles. At home my nieces quarrel almost everyday over who should wash the dishes, they sometimes end up fighting.
    A few years ago my mother and some of her relatives were involved in a conflict over who should get her father's inheritance.It got way out of hand and they even ended up in court. There will always be conflicts in a family. Even in some relationships the husband and the wife disagrees with each other in terms of distribution of power. My daughter wanted to wear a pink skirt suit she has to her school's jeans day. I told her to wear her P.E gears (blouse)and her jeans. She did not felt satisfied with my response ,so she went to her father who told her she could wear the suit. Both of us started arguing over who was told the child the right thing.We had a disagreement over decision made in the interest of our child.Conflicts between couples sometimes lead to domestic violence.
    The conflict theorist sees the family as an institution where the "haves" and the "havenots" diagrees with each quite often especailly when the "have nots" are in need of resources. Family members should be aware of how to use limited resources to satisfy the needs of the family. Resources should be evenly distributed.
    In agreement with the critique, the conflict theory places the family in a negative light. It gives the impression that family is surrounded by conflicts instead of peace and love. Families do have conflicts, but at the end of the day there is love and peace in families, as most of them know how to resolve conflicts in a peaceful way.

    1. All families have conflicts but it is how each families deal with the situations.Most times the reason for conflicts within the family is that individuals are self oriented and its all about me, myself and I.However, the conflict theory helps us to understand how we can manage conflicts.

  3. The conflict theory highlights families’ disputes. It examines their struggle for power and their constant competition for scarce resources such as power and prestige.
    The conflict theory sees conflict as natural and desirable in changing roles in families. The conflict theory also associates family difficulties largely being adopted from societal problems. This theory explains why families are living below desirable standards for example due to heavy tax burden. For example my uncle was working abroad in a well paid job. Unfortunately he had to return. He used to support his family very well. His spending power has declined. As a result his wife argues with him every day about things that are now being neglected that money would normally fix. One will have to look from a realistic point of view to accept this theory as one would want to think that families are beneficial for all members. One song writer has mentioned in his popular tune “you can’t take love to supermarket”. Also in our changing world women are now assuming better positions than men hence holds head of household’s position. Therefore, politics of gender and differentials of power and privilege within the family cannot be ignored though some may argue that the conflict theory places far too much emphasis on struggle, clashes and disagreement hence, negatively viewing of human behaviour and overlooking the importance of love and self sacrifice which places integral roles in family relationship. Though this theory is socially criticized I personally think it is relevant. At one point I was earning more than my spouse and I know he was uncomfortable now we are equally yoke there is no power struggle.

    1. money can create conflict in a relationship because no matter how you love the person when there is no money 'I love you' cant satisfy hunger. The family is not always surrounded by conflicts there are some posives about having a family.

  4. Conflict theory
    Conflict theory addresses the way in which family members struggle for power, how they disagree and what actions they take to compete for the scarce resources. But my question is “Are they really scarce’? and “Do we really have to compete”? It because of our selfish nature we just have to compete for these resources. It further states that society operate under a perpetual scarcity of resources which leads to confrontation which keep societies in a state of upheaval, change and growth. But where all this selfishness comes from to start confrontation? It starts from the family; as the theorist states since the home is where we learn almost all of the things we know.
    I do agree with this theorist to some extent in that there is always going to be conflict in families and society. In my family it is no different there is always conflict as to who to do the dishes, clean the house and who to cook dinner. Breakfast is never an issue as everybody is responsible for making their own breakfast .Other times conflicts arises because some members of the family have no conscience, they will sit and watch while you do everything that is supposed to be done and all they do is sit, watch then give instruction or criticize the work done, which always turn out in some physical confrontation with members with the fittest surviving.
    What I don’t like about this theory is that it views the family in a negative light, they perceive it to be one that is always at war with each other and that is not so .The family can be one that is harmonious and conflict free one which teaches it members certain, norms,values and beliefs which will make them in conflict free individuals.

    1. Yes Donique there will always be conflict in every aspect of society as no two persons are the same. No two person will make the same decision all the time we are special in our own little way. No matter how healthy a family's relationship is, conflict must take place within that particular family at some time. To answer your question about the scarcity of resouces. No resources are not scarced, they are just not equally distributed. This of course causes conflicts to arise.

    2. yes I agree that conflict arrive some times from simple things. As Donique mention house duties some persons will associate them as female job and the females will always have to work while the boys sit and watch televison or go out to play with friend which will alawys cause conflict in the family.This don’t have to be so if they will talk about it and make changes.One of the utility of the theory is that if you are going to manage the conflict than you will have to change


    The conflict theory sees society as an arena of social inequality, where groups compete for scarce resources. In my opinion I think this is realistic. I have never seen a family free conflict. Conflict exists because people are self-oriented and often times try to work their way to the top. For example; in the workplace a teacher heard of a new position in the department and because he sees the opportunity he takes his colleague to the vice principals office for a minor offence.
    Conflict is confrontation over scarce resources. In my community two sisters inherited a house from their adopted father. Instead of living in total harmony they are at war because the older sister wants to take full control of the inheritance. This conflict is internal and even though they despise each other they tend to hold back on their emotion to avoid the situation from getting worst.
    Racial discrimination also has a negative influence on families. For example, my cousin who lives in the Bahamas has siblings with very light complexion and straight hair. Often times my cousin was teased about her dark complexion and kinky hair. But instead of putting herself down she used it as a motivation to be successful in life.
    Even though this theory sees the family in a negative light I do not agree. I think that the conflict theory gives insight on what to expect in our families. Being expose to the reality of what can happen will allow you to be better equipped to handle incidents as they arise.

    1. I am in agreement with you on this Heather as persons are self-motivated and will do anything to reach the pinnacle of their success even compromising their friendship.

  6. Conflict Theory
    This tends to focus mainly on the attention of power especially the unequal power. As a result the behaviourial patterns such as the distribution of power between husbands and wives are viewed differently. Hence because each individuals are competing with the outside world, they seems to drift towards being self oriented and focused on self interest .This can bring about changes within the relationship because it is no longer about inequality but class inequality.
    According to Marx he analyzed class conflict where the upper class individuals would get along in society because of prestige and power whiles the lower class struggle to reach their goals. Similar to Marx view on the theory, Friedrich Engels further highlighted the point that conflict theory attributed family and marital problems to class inequality in the capitalist society. This stems from the view point that husbands and wives are fighting to see whose achievement is the greatest. Therefore this is where the domestic abuses, wife abuse, marital rape, child abuse, and other forms of abuse steps into the relationship.
    However , with the structural functionism theory these issues were swept under the carpet because it mainly focus on the typical traditional family forms such as extended and nuclear , where each family members performs a function. Therefore the conflict theory is considered to be the opposite which now gives an eye opener that not all family’s practices are good and not all family behaviours contribute of the family well being. Nonetheless this theory focuses on conflict management, how to negotiate and communicate and tends also to force progress and change among family members.

  7. The Conflict Theory

    Conflict Theory states that conflict is inevitable. In today’s world there are limited resources that each person ascribes for, causing conflict. In order for there to be change or growth which will be beneficial to an individual there must be conflict.

    My family faces conflicts, these conflicts occurred when changes started happening. When I got my job, due to its location I have to start living on my own. My mother did not like the idea of this because I was still considered her baby. She wanted me to travel; initially this made me so tired I continuously slept in the taxi while going home. After realizing that traveling was not working out, she asked that I came home every weekend. This was not practical because occasionally I had things to do and I wanted a little time for myself. This is what the theory considers a competition for scares resources. My mother valued the time spent with me and didn’t want to lose it. The scarce resource identified in this example is my time. Resources that people compete for can be human or non-human.

    People are most concern about their self. My mother did not consider that the long travel would be tiring and occasionally stressing on my body. She just wanted to always have me around. Nevertheless through constant communication and a little time this conflict was resolved.

  8. “There is no prefect family”. The family is often faced with different challenges, where conflict is concern. Parents sometimes want to choose the ideal “husbands or wives” for their children. While reading on the conflict theory a number of things started going through my mind. I remember a girlfriend of mind fell in love with a young man but this young man was less fortunate than her, monetary wise but she really loved him.
    The young man decided to visit her home to speak to the parents about the relationship however when he turn up, my friend father did not approve of him because of his physical features. He did not look wealthy, nor speak fluent English but by talking to him the father realized that he knew the young man parents. The young lady told her mother and father how much she loves the gentleman, her parents insist that they must not get married. My friend went ahead without the knowledge of her parents and got married. Her parents were not even at the wedding, her mother and father was so upset that she got married to the guy. The parents decided not to speak to her, for years the relationship was like, until they finally decided to speak to her after she started having children. The young lady and her husband are happy that they did not listen to her parents because they both have a great life.
    This conflict has a positive aspect as the result was beneficial to the young lady, her husband and the parents. They were forced to change their behaviour towards the young man, note that the daughter did not quarrel with her parents, she just manage the conflict in her own way and it worked.

  9. Conflict Theory
    This theory believes that humans are self-oriented and we ascribe our values to various resources as a result we compete for the same resources. It also establish that there is always development in the world thus there is always conflict. Within a family whenever conflict develops one does not have the choice to leave as one can in a peer group. The theory also focuses on conflict management as it helps us to understand the need for conflict and it helps to scrutinize issues such as break up and mistreatment. However the conflict theory has a negative look about the family and more importantly in does not recommend how families can amend or solve their conflict. Both children and parents have conflict within the home whether with each other or has individual.
    For instance while my siblings and I were younger and living at home we would always quarrel over chores in the home. Chores such as cleaning the house or bathroom, we would have an argument and the argument would not solve itself unless my parents intervene. Thus I do not agree with this theory has it does not encourage solutions for an argument. Conflict can lead to disastrous things such as violence or worst death. Many persons I believe have rage and when conflict develops among family members they do not know how to control themselves which sometime result with the conflict ending with persons making bad decisions. Thus later it affects more than the individuals that was involved in the conflict.
    The theory I believe does not have a hint about family situations and makes assumption about conflict which in a loving family does not end badly as persons speaks about their problems instead of having fights about it.
